Sunday, 8 January 2012

It's been a month, so a quick update...

Time flies when everything goes wrong. It's been a month since the last update, and it's now a fresh year. That means our last Euro road trip was last year, and Rogue is getting here very, very quickly.

First off, the new Rogue website is live. - please go and admire Marc's handiwork. We now have Voltz International and Dodojuice officially confirmed as partners in this venture. I say partners, they've promised us some goodies and aren't going to sue us for using their names/logos. Good enough for me. DodoJuice are going to provide some raffle prizes as are Voltz so please keep your eyes out over the next month or 2 for your chance to win some cracking stuff.

Jon has managed to persuade those lovely people at DFDS ferries to let us get to France on the cheap so good work there.

That seems to be the good news over with.

Theres been some issues with Rogue cars and our daily runners as well recently. Somebody took Jon's wing mirror off (it's a BMW so not actually used a lot), another incident saw Curly's ST get a dent, and a couple weeks back, some arsebag drove into my daily car and left me with a £500 repair bill.

My excess is £450, so figured I may as well keep the no claims and pay it out my own pocket.

Unfortunately, that money was earmarked for repairing the Rogue car. The Escort has a few niggly little issues that need addressing and a fairly major one. The electrics are shot, the rear shocks are still waiting to be swapped over, the MOT is due but more annoyingly than anything, the heater matrix has leaked.

To replace the matrix, the whole dash needs to come out so a fair bit of work, but an essential bit of work. Locally, I've been quoted £300 just for the matrix, plus extra bundles of cash for all the leccy fixes, but Ash has quoted me happy. Except I can't get the car to him. Needs recovery lorry, which is gonna set me back a couple hundred quid which I no longer have due to the gonad that drove into me. I'm pinning my hopes on the lottery to get it fixed in time.

The green escort cabby is now in the hands of Richy and Holcsy and wont be green for much longer. In the short space of time they've had it, they've put a lot of hours in and it looks very nice indeed now. Low, soon loud, and looking like a proper toy.

With all that in mind, it's going to be touch and go as to which car I end up taking. Hopefully, I can get the Cabby up to Colchester in time, but thats relying on getting a cheap car transporter.

At the moment, I'm trolling through a million and one camp site websites to find a cheap set of good ones to put us up and with a bit of luck, we'll be able to sort that fairly sharpish.

On a final note, we're going in just 3 and a half months, so support would be nice. Please drop 2 quid (or more) into the kitty to help out some children less fortunate than yourself. Theres a link to the donation site on our website, but for the lazy buggers, heres another link...Jennifer Trust Giving Site.

A fuller, more picture filled update will be coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. The information about the car is about Rougers. dover calais offer excellent and safe travel across the European countries.
