Tuesday, 1 May 2012

No time left now...

Going to be a swift update from me as we leave tomorrow and I'm nowhere near ready. In fact if you google mapped it, I'm very far from ready indeedy. The cabby I'm using still has a truly irritating gremlin in that the battery will not hold a charge. But it's not the battery. I think we are on battery number 4 now, it's something draining the power but damned if I can figure it out. On the up-side... I think we have enough stickers on her now. The route has been finalised, the cars and additional people are booked into campsites, and in theory, we're good to go. Probably. Thats all from me for now, I'll update a scorching set of blog entries on my return, but have a nice weekend and I'll let you know how we get on. Chris.